Construction Remains On Time and On Track
Jul 8, 2020
Gregg Ranch continues to complete infrastructure in preparation for welcoming Pulte and the construction of the first homes at Gregg Ranch.
Ross Construction and C3 Development are keeping the project on time, remaining focused on completing infrastructure, much of which is underground. Soon, however, those driving by will see the Gregg Ranch monument signage near the entrance of the community. The signage has been designed and is awaiting permitting before it will go up next month.
Additional construction updates shown in the picture above include:
- Placement of future Gregg Ranch signage.
- The first road base has been delivered and is being placed in the community.
- The offsite wastewater line work is ongoing.
- The team is finishing up storm sewers as seen on the right of the image.
- Dry utility work continues which includes important components such as electric, telephone and cable.
Phase 1 of Gregg Ranch is anticipated to include 100 Pulte homes. These will be one- and two-story single-family detached homes with lot sizes of 50 x 120 and 70 x 120. Phase 1 amenities are anticipated to include walking trails, a sport and play field, and a park with ramada, barbecue grill and kids play area.
Find out more about Gregg Ranch and what makes it such a welcome addition to charming Marble Falls by visiting http://greggranch.com/ or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.